All those people who use computers in their day-to-day lives must be aware of the terms ‘virus’, ‘worm and ‘Trojan’ and might have faced problems due to these several times. No doubt, these are no less than threats in today’s cyber world, which have become the reasons of daunting troubles in regular computer operations. Now the names like virus and worm are not at all new to the computer users, but how many among them vividly know about them and understand how they affect a computer system? If you don’t have the sufficient knowledge about these two and don’t know the difference between them, don’t worry; here in this article we will help you to understand the differences between virus and worm. By nature, virus attaches itself to a program, and enables it to spread from one computer to another computer. If your computer is on a network then you will have much probability to get affected by virus. Previously, the computer viruses are developed while experimenting something or as the purpose of practical joke by the computer experts. But, now it can be more dangerous for your computer, as sometimes virus appears in an aggressive form. A virus can decrease your computer’s performance, can harm software installed in the system, delete data and so on. On the other side, worm is designed like a virus, but there are a few differences between them. Worms actually are sub-level form of Viruses. These programs have the capability to make replica of themselves and instead of one, they can appear in hundreds at a time. Worms have a very devastating effect on computer, like a worm can send a copy of itself to all the senders of an e-mail. There is no doubt that virus and worms are the two threats for modern-day computer users. But, you need not to worry about it at all, because the remote technical support service providers are always ready to help you in every possible way. A remote PC support provider offers all kinds of PC and laptop supports remotely. Through such support you will not face any problem to resolve the virus issue appears in your PC or laptop