Among all the hardware and software related problems faced by the present computer users, problem of blue screen comes on the top. This is the problem where a blue colored screen appears abruptly certainly while operating a computer. Sometimes, this screen disappears after restarting the computer, but sometimes removing the blue screen becomes a daunting task. But, now with the presence of remote tech services blue screen repair is not at all a subject to worry about. Like all the other malfunctions in computer, the blue screen problem is divided into two parts – hardware error or software problem. The computer experts say that sometimes the Blue screen problem arises due to exhausted system resource. When a computer runs with relatively large task or starts copying certain things or restoring something then this problem may arise and this happens due to insufficient resources of the computer. Now, let’s discuss about some of the possible ways through which you can prevent your computer from Blue Screen:

  • First of all you should take the back up of all the important registry files manually at the proper intervals. This will keep your computer free, your system will not be in a mess in case it goes wrong.
  • You should not close your computer abnormally. Closing computer without proper shut down could lead to the loss of important files, such as dynamic Library Links files which help the computer to run smoothly.
  • If you are a general computer user then you are suggested not to upgrade BIOS and driver programs and graphics card of the motherboard. Because, too much up-gradation can harm the smooth operation of a computer.
  • Remember to check and optimize your computer’s system files on regular basis. To do so, go to Start – All Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt and then type “sfc”.
  • If your computer doesn’t have high RAM and administrative programs then you should not run heavy programs, like audio-video editing software, animation software and so on.
  • If you don’t have a high configuration computer then you should avoid installing too much of software in your system.
So, start taking the precautions today in order to stay away from the curse of blue screen problem. If, after maintaining all the above-mentioned steps you face blue screen problem then don’t hesitate to call a remote tech service provider. Remote tech service is the smartest way to resolve blue screen repair while giving lesser pressure on your wallet.